Sarasota Technical College (STC) Celebrates 5 Years of Success (from Ed Doherty, Machining Instructor, STI)

junho 30, 2018

We are wrapping up the 5th year of Precision Machining & CNC Automation.  We have trained 102 machinists. Our goal was 100 - We fulfilled the goal.

I think we should recognize the accomplishment with all involved. The group included: CareerEdge; Sarasota & Manatee Area Manufacturers Association; SCTI and the Sarasota County School Board; Suncoast Workforce Board; Sarasota County Commission; Gulf Coast Community Foundation; Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce; and Economic Development Corp. of Sarasota County.

We hope to continue our journey as we move on to Phase 2 in training and filling jobs in the Manufacturing sector for our community.

It's often good to take a look back at beginnings and visions.  Check out the Sarasota Herald article from 2013 to read about the community vision for this program.
The 2018 graduation took place in the STC Conference center on STC June 21.  Congratulations to all STC's machining graduates! For more information about the STC Machining or Advanced Manufacturing program, please contact Ed Doherty: 

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